Langgam Pustaka BBLKL

by PT. Enam Kubuku Indonesia

Books & Reference


About the Langgam Pustaka BBLKL Salatiga ApplicationThis application aims to make it easier for readers to obtain information on the collection of library materials owned by the Salatiga Center for Environmental Health Laboratory (BBLKL) Library. The Salatiga BBLKL Library is a Vertical UPT Library under the Directorate General of Public Health (Dirjen Kesmas), Indonesian Ministry of Health which is located at Jalan Hasanudin No. 123 Salatiga, Central Java, Indonesia, Telephone (0298) 327096 Ext. 123, Fax (0298) 322604, email: [email protected]. The comfortable library atmosphere and various other supporting facilities provide a collection of books, domestic and foreign health and medical journals, research reports, internship reports, theses, theses and dissertations. By creating the Langgam Pustaka BBLKL application, the aim is to help readers find the collection of books, journals and other references they need without having to come to the library.